Friday, November 9, 2012

Let's All Help to Reduce the National Debt and Fight Gridlock

Well, the election is over, but we seem to still be where we left off.  The United States is rapidly approaching a debt ceiling crisis, and will hit the $16.4 trillion mark at the end of the year.  The debate on reducing the deficit will begin as well.  Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire for those making over $200,000 ($250,000 for those filing jointly).  John Boehner is still opposed to raising any taxes, in spite of the fact that if an agreement isn't made and the debt ceiling extended, we will go into sequestration.  Obama says that will not happen, but I don't know what he can do to prevent it if the Republicans don't give in on the tax issue.  Here we go again with gridlock, and this time it could lead to disaster.

We need to let our elected officials know that they must come to a bipartisan agreement.  Perhaps one of the ways is for all of us to make a donation to the special agency which is set up by the Treasury Department to receive gifts. You can actually make a gift by check or credit card that will be used to directly pay off the national debt.  If everyone who voted gave only $10, our national debt would be reduced by over a billion dollars a year.   After making the gift, we should send a message to our  representatives informing them that Americans of both parties know to take action to lower our national debt, and that they should take our lead and come to an agreement on these critical issues.

I've already made my donation.  If you're interested in this idea, and want to join me, visit the following link:

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