It it beyond me why Mitt Romney refuses to release more of his federal tax information. So far he has only released part of his 2010 tax return, withholding a separate document with the IRS that provides additional details on overseas bank holdings. The part of the 2010 that he did show revealed that he had a Swiss bank account, but the Report on Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts that is required when such an account is held would show more details concerning the Swiss bank account. He hasn't released this yet, and seems to be refusing to do so. Romney says that he will release his 2011 return, but will go no further.
It seems to me that to quell any suspicions he should reveal more than two years, and he should also make sure to hand over any documentation concerning the Swiss bank account.
Should there be a law requiring a certain number of years of disclosure? Probably every president as well as members of the Congress and Senate should have to reveal at least three years of tax information when running for office, and should have to produce such information on an annual basis while in office. Recently members of Congress were asked to reveal tax information by McClatchy Newspapers. Only 17 of 536 members released their most recent tax information. This is a disgrace!
By the way, there's a site where you can see tax information from different candidates -
Barack Obama's returns are there from 2000 on. Mitt Romney's 2010 and 2011 returns are there as well. Take a look.