According to the dictionary,
a Theocracy is a a
system of government in which God or a deity is held to be the civil
ruler. Well, according to Rick Santorum, that is what he wants for
this country. Recently
in Idaho he stated once again “We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their — ” (pausing for the crowd to shout “Creator!”)
“with certain unalienable rights.”
is who we are, that’s where our rights come from,” he said,
eliciting “Bless the Lord!” from the audience.
on this, Santorum is saying that the creator should be the ultimate
authority that determines our governmental policies, not the
constitution. Hmmm – isn' t that a theocracy? With Rick Santorum
you can expect that his
of what the creator wants from us will be the rule of the land. Of
all the scarry Republican candidates, Rick Santorum is the worst,
because he is so firmly convinced that he is capable of interpreting
God's will. Therefore, It is his destiny that he march forth with
his trumpet and make us buckle under to that interpretation. Don't
get me wrong – I have some strong personal religious beliefs, and
am not anti-religious. What I am is for the seperation of Church and
State. I am also strongly for religious freedom. That means freedom
for those that do not believe as I do as well as for those that do.
Under Rick Santorum, that is not what we would be getting.
think that Mitt Romney, even though he is not all that popular with
Republicans, even though he is a known flip-flopper, is the best that
the Republicans have to offer. Rick Santorum just has too much of a
religious agenda, and would cross the line of division between church
and state.